

Business Management Journal (monthly)is sponsored by Institute of Industrial Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Covering subjects in business and management, BMJ is one of the most prestigious management journals in China and also the oldest one with the first year of publication 1979.Featuring sound unification of both theoretical and empirical research, BMJ has always been ranked in the index of CSSCI. All the articles published are evaluated by outside referees. Nowadays, BMJ are growing into an international academic periodical with an international editorial board, paying much attention to international management phenomenon.

With the tradition of linking theory with reality, BMJ is invaluable for professional researchers, scholars, students in management, and also entrepreneurs, whether they are in China or overseas, to follow the most recent development of management practice and academic research in China.

Readers Overseas can subscribe to BMJ Through China International Book Trading Corp.(mailbox 399 of Beijing) , and the price of each issue is $50. Actually, readers can find the articles online through our website: http://www.jjgl.cass.cn . And for Chinese readers overseas, the articles are also available on our Wechat public account:经济管理杂志社.


ISSN: 1002-5766.

Overseas Circulation Code: M107

Address: Editorial Department of economic management, Institute of industrial economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,1 Dongchang Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100006

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E-mail: jjglbjb@cass.org.cn